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Ansys CFX#

Explore Ansys CFX, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software program that delivers fast, reliable, and accurate turbomachinery simulations.

Ansys CFX at NHPCC#

There are two ways to run Ansys CFX on Panthera cluster:

  • Interactive mode
  • Using subcfx command

Interactive mode#

First, create an interactive job to connect to one of the compute nodes:

u111112@login1:~/wrkdir> srun -n 4 --mem=1G -p short -t 10 --pty /bin/bash
srun: job 57293 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 57293 has been allocated resources

Then, you have to load the Ansys CFX module:

u111112@cn-12-1:~/wrkdir> ml cfx


In order to see all Ansys CFX versions installed on Panthera you can type cfx and press the Tab key twice. For more information on how to use modules, please visit this page.

Finally, you can use your software:

u111112@cn-12-1:~/wrkdir> your_software_command ...

Using subcfx command#

This is the fast and easiest method most users prefer to load and run Ansys CFX on the cluster. Simply on login node press subcfx command without any options to see it's help:

u111112@login1:~/wrkdir> subcfx
Create and submit job for cfx5solve

Usage: subcfx <INPUT> [OPTION]

        -n  <np>          Number of processors.
        -N  <nn>          Number of nodes. 
        -m  <mem>         The real memory required per node (GB).
        -p  <part>        Partition name to submit the job. (use 'sinfo')
        -v  <ver>         Software version. Available: 22.1
        -c  <file>        Use initial values and continue the run history from the specified File
        -o  <opt>         Option of cfx5solve command.
        -j  <jobname>     Default: name of input file.
        -l  <disk>        Disk space required for scratch (GB). Run on local hard disk.
        -t  <time>        run time of the job. Valid format: M, H:M:S, D-H, D-H:M
        -so <sopt>        Additional slurm options if needed.
        -no               Only write job file.
        -h | --help       Print this message and exit.

 Example:  subcfx input.def -n 16 -m 10 -t 4-0 -l 30